About Aspiringedge Wellness

My Story

In 1993 I was 34 years old, single mother of two girls ages, 4 and 2, my life was crumbling. I was in the midst of my 2nd failed marriage. Mentally and emotionally, I was unstable feeling anxious and depressed. I was losing control of my life with nowhere to turn. How did I get here? I had a severe eating disorder that I tried to hide but I was only fooling myself. I felt shame, guilt, confusion, anger and hopeless. Often suicidal because the pain was greater then what I could bare. I knew I needed professional help. Counselling and Life coaching was expensive but I needed to put myself first. I had 2 children who depended on me and I had to be the role model they deserved.  My first step was to consume myself with self-help books. Reading self-help books gave me hope, tips and knowledge in how to start moving forward.  This was a good distraction and was the beginning of my healing journey.  
While at work a friend suggested I seek Life Coaching/Counselling and a lady recently opened a counseling practice in my area. I reached out and booked my first session. I honestly had no clue why I was unraveling. After many sessions I started to see how my negative beliefs were affecting my mindset, thoughts, actions, confidence and self esteem. I was using my eating disorder to avoid acknowledging my painful feelings, and it gave me something to control.
What I didn’t know was this all stemmed from my mother leaving our family home in 1974. Wow I couldn’t believe how this deeply affected me. My past was catching up and I had 3 choices, heal, stay stuck and possibly die. I chose to heal because I was worthy of love and my children needed me. The best decision I ever made was to seek help. I had a trusted advisor who was my sounding board, allowed me to express without judgment and provided me the tools/resources to transition into a healthy young woman. I attended individual therapy, group sessions, and workshops until I was confident to utilize what I had learned on my own.  I worked with an eating disorder therapist and attended group sessions. I’m proud to say my life is thriving and I’m living my best life.
I knew I needed and wanted to help other women. I studied child and Adult psychology and became a certified Life Coach, Counsellor, Reiki Master and EFT/TFT Tapping practitioner. 

In 2009 was the creation of Aspiringedge Wellness and has evolved into a healing space and self-help book shop. My 30 years as an experienced wellness practitioner, my personal healing journey and self-help books will help you to thrive and live your best life.