About Aspiringedge Wellness

My Story

In 1993, at 34, I was a single mother with two young daughters, ages 4 and 2. My life was falling apart amidst my second failed marriage. I was mentally and emotionally unstable, overwhelmed with anxiety and depression. I felt utterly out of control and didn't know where to turn. How had I reached this point? I struggled with a severe eating disorder that I attempted to conceal, but in reality, I was only deceiving myself. Overwhelmed by shame, guilt, confusion, anger, and hopelessness, I often contemplated suicide because the pain was more than I could bear. I recognized the need for professional help. Despite the cost, counseling and life coaching were necessary investments in myself. With two children relying on me, I had to become the role model they deserved. My initial step towards recovery involved immersing myself in self-help books, which provided hope, tips, and knowledge on how to begin moving forward. It was a welcome distraction and marked the start of my healing journey.

At work, a friend recommended life coaching/counseling, mentioning a new practice nearby. I reached out and scheduled my first session, though I was clueless about the root of my distress. Through numerous sessions, I began to understand how my negative beliefs impacted my mindset, thoughts, actions, confidence, and self-esteem. My eating disorder had become a means to avoid confronting my painful emotions, offering a semblance of control.

What I hadn't realized was that these issues originated from my mother's departure in 1974. The revelation of its profound impact on me was startling. My past had caught up, presenting me with three options: to heal, remain stagnant, or face potential death. I chose to heal, recognizing my worthiness of love and my children's need for me. Seeking help was the best decision I ever made. I found a trusted advisor who served as my sounding board, allowing me to express myself without judgment and equipping me with the tools and resources to evolve into a healthy young woman. I engaged in individual therapy, group sessions, and workshops until I felt confident enough to apply what I had learned.

2023 I wanted to help others on their wellness journey, so I created a library of self-help books. I knew there was more to helping others get healthier by ensuring what we eat and what we put in on bodies is healthy. I discovered a Wellness Store called Melaleuca. An online shop that offers over 500 nontoxic products that are healthy and safe for family and pets. Melaleuca has been developing and manufacturing their own products for over 40 years. My mission is to educate and show you how to ditch harmful chemicals and switch to non-toxic products.